Wednesday, February 12

February 2020 Meeting Minutes

Great turnout on a cold night in February! Lots of great discussion on how we can advocate for ECFE, engage our community and sponsor community speaker events, as well as a couple fundraisers we are planning to support ECFE.

Looking for ways to help? Please reach out as we have several upcoming events we could use volunteers for short time commitments:

  • March speaker event
  • March 26th Advocacy For Children day at the Capital 
  • April speaker event
  • May speaker event
  • May 16th garage sale

You can find our February meeting minutes available as a pdf in Dropbox: February 2020 Meeting Minutes.

Hope to see you March 11th for our next meeting!

February 2020 Parent Council Meeting

Remaining 2020 meeting dates:

Wednesday, March 11th 7-8:30
Wednesday, April 15th 7-8:30
Wednesday, May 13th 7-8:30

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