Friday, December 14

December 2018 Meeting Minutes

Our December 12th ECFE Parent Council meeting was a huge success! Our guest Katy Smith shared with us tips on how to get involved with advocacy, no matter how involved you are right now.

Our meeting notes are now available: Dropbox Download

Katy Smith Advocacy Notes:

If You’re Going to Play, Bring Your “A Game” for Advocacy

Agitate: ECFE? Parent Education? Children? Funding? What or WHO inspires you to lend your voice to a cause? What are you feeling frothy about? What are you having passionate feelings about?

Articulate: Share your story. Time to craft your message. What is it you want to say about ECFE? Practice it. Again. And again. Condense it. Practice it some more, with feeling. There! You found it.

Amplify: Who else is singing your song? What organizations can you connect with to amplify your voice? What does the research say? Who else endorses this work? Power up your story with research.

Advocate: Who is out of the loop? Where are the gaps? Who needs to hear your message? How will you deliver it? Who/What are the roadblocks? Name them. Roll up your sleeves. Make a plan. Grab a seat at the table. Bring your own chair if you need to.

Act: Organize. Go Public. SPEAK UP. Take Care of Yourself. Move. March. Testify. Write. SPEAK UP. Lobby. SPEAK UP. Repeat. Take Care of Each Other. What are your short term goals? What are your long term goals? What are your longer term goals?

Assess: What gains are we making? What do we need to do to be
more effective? How will we share what we learned? How do we
build leadership in advocacy work?

Katy Smith (2018)
Facebook: KatySmithWinona 
Twitter: KatyMN12 

PDF of the above available for download: Dropbox Download

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