Monday, July 16

Did You Know That ECFE Fees Are Based on Your Family's Income?

ECFE programs are unique to Minnesota, and one of the great things about ECFE is that, as the Minneapolis ECFE class brochure says, "Fees are based on income, and no one is turned away for inability to pay."

Based on feedback from parents, we have been working with the ECFE administration to make the registration process easier for folks that are unable to pay any amount, or who might only be able to make a partial payment at registration-time. And those changes are now live on the registration website! The screenshot below shows the new dropdown-list options of: "Unable to pay at this time" and "I can make a partial payment." 

Many thanks to the administration for working hard to implement this change! If you are interested in helping make similar changes to improve the Minneapolis ECFE program, please join us at an upcoming meeting!

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