Meeting Minutes 1.12.12
7:00 Introductions - attending: Kori, Trisha, Angie, Doug, Megan, Elise, Melissa, Kris, Andy, Kim, Suzanne, Nicole
7:15 Financial Report - Trisha will send via email
7:20 LAC update - Maureen laid out the ECE program plan. SMART goals (specific, measurable, actionable, r and t. Some examples: increasing number of African, African-American, native-American families served, increasing number of kids screened at age three, increased literacy and numeracy, etc. Goals have not been officially approved yet, but we can see them once they are. There will be no budget task force this year, but we will be updated on the budget as it develops. Proposal to go from three PACs to two - East would join South. Right now east PAC only has one school (Sullivan). Would need to figure out how a merge would work, etc. Tabled for later. Discussion of site issues - how do we encourage schools to host ECFE? Roadshow? School board visits?
7:25 Chinook Books Payments - payments to schools have not yet been made; proposal to ask teachers to use funds for something related to literacy, and next year use funds for something related to numeracy. Decision: this year we will ask schools to EITHER tell us what they want and we will write a check for it, OR submit a receipt post-purchase and we will reimburse. ALSO: any funds not spent by May will be forfeited. so the funds are as open as possible for site-specific needs. Next year we will ask schools to give us a thing to fundraiser for (buy a chinook book so your classroom can get a ____.")
7:35 Davanni's Fundraiser - Kori contacted Davanni's but also contacted Noodles & co. and they will give us a bigger percentage (20%). Noodles recommended a Monday or Tuesday night for the best results. Need to set a date - will take 1-2 weeks to get a flyer made. February 20th is the date (president's day).
7:45 T-shirts - forms from last year should work for this year; start at beginning of Spring term. Add return by date and poss. info that shirts run small. Doug will make 300 copies and distribute to sites.
7:50 Teacher Appreciation Baskets - Kris suggested maybe buying T-shirt for staff members instead of baskets. Not time to do this for this year, but maybe for next year. Melissa will get three gift bags and tissue to next meeting. Everyone else bring treats!!!
8:00 February Pot Luck - happening March 11th from 4-7 at Kori's house.
8:05 Cinco De Mayo - May 5th is a Saturday this year, may need to choose another date in conjunction with Tony Trelles.
8:10 Vehicle Day - Melissa will chair!
8:15 Advocacy - want to have school board visits - daytime dads, MELD, LGBT evening class, etc. Megan will contact teachers and make arrangements.
Angie and Elise want to work on an ECFE Roadshow to bring to Mpls elementary schools (and PTOs) to encourage them to host ECFE. Angie will talk to Whittier and Elise will talk to Lyndale.
Greater diversity in PAC - Megan is talking to Spanish classes at Andersen; we can get translators and transportation.
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