Welcome and Introductions- Kori
Attending: Kori, Elise, Jenny, Angie, Jen, Megan, Mehri, Trisha, Annette, Nicole
LAC Update: discussion of the problems we've been having in reserving spaces for events. Upcoming three events have been approved, process will be streamlined and organized for future. Getting info from other PACs so we can make sure resources are being evenly distributed. Also discussed membership responsibilities and are seeking feedback on what parents want. Good news: we have DATA!!! Finally we have data to mine for what classes are popular, what times, who is attending, etc. Trisha passed out survey for PAC members to fill out giving feedback on some of the issues raised by the data. (I.e. Under-representation of certain ethnic groups) Discussion ensued of problems with asking (largely Caucasian, ECFE-attending) parents about how to get under-represented populations to ECFE. Who could administrators talk to? What groups currently exist that could be partners or resources?
Chinook Books (Jen) –- got 90 books, sold almost all of them! Wilder sold 24, Longfellow sold 20+, etc. Need to get info from site liaisons as t how money was spent last year. Or possibly ask sites what they want to spend this year's money on before giving them the money. Point was raised that we may need to rethink the allocation of this money as costs go up, etc. Will revisit in January.
Scholastic (Suzanne) – no updates
Advocacy (Megan) – met last week with Tony. Talked about Latino classes at Andersen. Megan invited to visit those classes to get feedback from the parents there. Would like to invite a School Board Member to visit an ECFE class to see what goes on. Talked about rally in the Spring. Need to get in touch with Cat Kemp for details/advice. Question about focus of Advocacy committee - bylaws do not specify, but Megan is taking a general approach focusing on advocating for early childhood with the broader community, as well as creating a climate where ECFE is more open and inclusive of underrepresented populations.
Preschool Fair (Elise) – 11 schools confirmed; several more are likely to attend. Reminder messages have been sent. Trying to increase attendance by schools that serve a more diverse population - next year will try personal email follow-up or phone calls to new schools. Christy has the laminated signs - need to get them to Catherine. Elise will get other signs and packets to Trisha. Catherine will be in charge on the day.
Ginger Bread (Nicole) – need to confer with Catherine regarding peanut free kits. Dec. 2 6:15-8:15 is prep night (at Kenny). Kori will send out sign up sheet for both Friday and Saturday. Kori will get supplies from Nicole and bring them to the prep event (possibly via Trisha). Nicole will hit the bank so we have $$ for making change. Need to put a thank you to Kemps for their donations (Elise) Discussion about raising price for kits next year if we have to pay for site reservations (tabled until next year). Everyone is encouraged to invite friends, church members, FB friends, etc.
Membership (Jen) - Dec. 9 at Common Roots from 8-10 pm - this will be in lieu of our December meeting
Other - payment for MELD classes - we have typically paid the four MELD teachers an honorarium in Fall and Spring. Discussion of whether we can do that this year. Resolved: pay $100 honorarium to each MELD teacher this December and revisit issue in Spring.
Imagination Theatre - Kori gives it a big thumbs up. Could be a fun event for PAC to sponsor. Tues, weds, thu mornings. 9:30 or 10:30. Puppet theatre with a social message, geared towards preschoolers.
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