Attending: Angie, Nicole, Kori, Doug, Catherine, Trisha, Melissa, Elise
Treasurer: 1673.76
LAC Update: ECFE now encompasses pretty much anything birth-5 that the district takes care of (ECFE, high 5, etc.) so LAC is moving towards more of a site-council model. Should hopefully create a better environment for data collection and accountability.
Dropbox - get it! Love it! Use it!
Kenny Fall Festival: looking for ways to get more connections between ECFE and area schools. Oct. 28 5:30-7:30 at Kenny -all are welcome! Co-sponsored by ECFE and Kenny PAC
Preschool Fair: still at Burroughs, though we are paying for the engineer. Elise will not be in town the day of the fair, so Catherine
PAC nite out will be rescheduled soon.
Chinook books: sale ends second week in November, so get em while you can! Buy directly from Jen to benefit PAC directly, or from your site to benefit the (the 10th) site's programs.
Gingerbread: trying to figure out if this will work at Kenny - child care space is the kicker. Poss. can use the Hi-5 space. Also question about Friday (12/2) prep - when do we do this and will it cost anything? Shooting for 6-8 pm or poss 4-6pm. Need event space + childcare space for both days. Melanie will check with Annette to find out what our options are. Melissa will pick up frosting as Nicole will be out of town until Friday evening.
Still trying to get clarification on payment issues as we are being asked to pay for engineers where we have not in the past. Kori will communicate with Maureen and get back to us.
Scholastic: got Fall order off this week - almost 100 books sold, $500 worth for the programs. Yay! Will be delivered right before Halloween. Suzanne will work on getting documentation of the process into Dropbox.
T-shirts: had wanted to do these as a city-wide fundraiser, but EastPAC may have already started on their t-shirts (?) Poss try to coordinate so that we're selling them at the same time? Doug will communicate with NorthPAC and EastPAC and see what will be possible.
Advocacy: trying to secure translators for events and poss meetings; also trying to get a questionnaire for feedback on what people want from PAC.
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