Saturday, October 30

Meeting Minutes 10.28.10

South PAC Agenda
October 28, 2010

7:00 Welcome and introductions (Kori) Attending: Brad, Sue H. Emily, Angie, Kori, Suzanne, Jenny, Christy, Dan, Ben, Trisha, Leslie, Joe

7:15 Treasure's report (Trisha) $3473.81 in the account. Woot.

7:25 Chinook Books (Jenny) Wrapping up the sale, get books or $$ to Jenny. Kenny sold 20; Hale sold 19; Wilder sold 19. Last year, schools got money differently: Wilder turned in receipts, Hale wanted cash, etc. Kenny and Hale may not have gotten last years’ money – Trisha will look into records. Motion to buy Visa cards for each school and ask for receipt afterwards. Christy amends motion to give $200 checks to each site liaison. Much discussion ensues. Visa cards remotioned. Motion passes. Trisha will give $330 to Kenny, $410 for Hale, $190 for Wilder. (Checks written to PAC members who will purchase cards and give them to respective site liaisons.)

7:25 Preschool Fair (Kori and Elise) volunteer sign up! November 13th, 10-noon at Burroughs; Flyers have gone out. Need volunteers for 9-11:00 and 11:00-1. 13 schools attending so far, a few more may still be coming.

7:35 Scholastic (Suzanne) – Did a trial run, looking at two week turnaround for orders, next time parents will able to submit orders online; waiting for books from first round of orders; next round should be even smoother.

7:45 Fundraising (Dan) T-shirts – Needs to get info on colors – located in meeting minutes. All meeting minutes are on the PAC website: - also has links, documents, etc.

7:55 Gingerbread (Nicole) Dec 11th at Burroughs, so mark the 10th on your calendars for prep!!!! Volunteers are working on supplies, still need a frosting source. Emily will look into options.

8:10 google docs, storage space - Kori interested in having all PAC stuff in one place - should we look into renting a storage space? Christy will keep everything for this year, so we can revisit this issue later. For document storage, etc., discussion of whether Google Docs is the best option. Kori and Elise want to focus this year on getting standardized documentation for all regular PAC events. Elise will research some options and present at the next meeting. For now, please send any documentation you have (digital or hard copies).

8:15 LAC update

8:30 Adjourn

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