Meeting Minutes 11.19.09
Attending: Jessy, Ada, Trish, Christy, Catherine, Dan, Heather, Suzanne, Sarah, Kris
Introductions – new member (Dan)
Treasurer’s Report (Trish) – Spent approximately $67 for copying Preschool Fair packets (less than last year). Waiting for final numbers on Blue Sky Guides (Jenny not here; still have 3 unsold books to be sold). $3290.80 balance, not including preschool fair expenses (packets, snacks, postage). Trish will bring updated balance next month.
LAC Report (Trish) – Continued conversation on strengthening relationship between ECFE and schools/principals; idea to host some local events (1 for each new school zone) for parents to meet their new principals; ask PACs to help set this up; Maureen working on this. ECFE program will be losing Kenny as a site for next year; Kris N. brought up idea of coming up with a few bigger early childhood centers that are more permanent. East/North PACs getting more parents and having more meetings; North now has a blog.
Dec. LAC meeting will set dates for budget task force; want at least 1 south PAC person there; opportunity to learn about the budget process; can voice opinion on where money should be spent (Catherine is interested).
Preschool Fair Re-cap (Jessy) – Ada wrote thank you letters that will be going out tomorrow. Had a total of 61 families attending (more than in previous years), and 15 preschools. Electronic copies of the information packet were sent to all schools. Elise working on adding an additional school to the packet, then will email to site liaisons and post on blog.
B&N Event Re-Cap (Christy) – Total profit for the event was $191. South PAC understood that profits were to be split evenly 3 ways between all PACs, but North PAC thought we would help but all profits would go to them. Christy will write to North PAC and clarify we are willing to give our portion (not East’s) to North PAC this time, but that the agreement was to split 3 ways; will cc Maureen and Sharon.
Baby Sign Class Re-Cap (Trish) – Class held Nov. 18th at Hale. Had 9 families attending (12 adults, 6 babies). Email/call to register worked well—everyone who registered showed up. Families expressed interest in doing another class in the spring. We will pay Angie $75 for teaching the class.
Speaker Events (Christy) – Kori volunteered to be speaker chair. She is working on coordinating a one-night workshop on child safety. SVC (Sexual Violence Coalition) and Minneapolis Safe Officer may participate. They do not charge a fee, but we may make a donation to them. Looking for dates in the spring. Possibly some cost to us if we offer childcare.
Gingerbread Planning (Sarah) – Set-up will be at Burroughs on Friday Dec. 11th from 4-6pm, event Dec. 12th from 10-1. We need as many people as possible to help with both. There will be two shifts on Saturday: 9-11:30, 11:30-2pm (sign up tonight). Childcare will be available for both Fri/Sat. Flyer needs to get sent to Sharon asap, out to classes 1st week of Dec. We will prepare 125 kits, some nut-free. Committee is still working on getting donations in.
Newsletter (Catherine) – Suzanne will take over (Catherine will help her get started before winter). Angie and Marcella have also offered to help.
Scholastic: (Christy) – We need someone to take over as chair. Hoping to start again for winter. Parents can now order online with a credit card, and books all come to the site. Chair would sort orders and distribute to Wilder, Hale, and Kenny.
PAC Night Out (Heather) – This will be on Dec. 17th (instead of Dec. PAC meeting)-Catherine’s birthday! Memory Lanes Bowling, 7pm. Heather will send out an evite soon.
Additional Notes (Christy) - Christy will start to send out an email reminder to site liaisons before PAC meetings to be distributed to parents who may be interested in attending.
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