South PAC Meeting 5/21/09
Attending: Sarah Sluka, Trish, Christy, Tina, Tony, Jessy, Cindy, Vanessa, Heather, Sarah Showalter, Catherine
Treasurer’s Report: Tina (last one)
LAC Report: Christy
Hale, Wilder, Sullivan, and Kenny need help packing up classrooms and cleaning. Dates are 6/8-10 8:30-4:00, no kids. Christy, Heather and Sarah Showalter agreed to watch kids at Christy’s house on 6/9 between 9-noon. Catherine, Sarah Sluka, and Jessy agreed to go to a site to volunteer. Need a few more volunteers.
Eric asked about MELD, talking about schedule for next year, thinking about afternoon or evening at Kenny or Sullivan in the morning. Possibility?
Advocacy: Christy
Sheila and Jenny will continue with advocacy. Stay tuned for fall event
Newsletter: Catherine
No newsletter for end of year.
Cinco de Mayo: Christy
Nice event, cafeteria full, diverse crowd, 60 kids, 40 adults, enough beans, not enough rice, should get tortillas next year too.
Vehicle Day: Jessy (for Angie)
Saturday, May 30, 10-1 at Sabathani. Confirmed vehicles: Galactic Pizza, Tow truck, Street sweeper, Taxi, School bus, Squad car, K-9 unit, Bus, Ambulance?, Smart Car?, Snowplow?, Fire truck? 9:00-11:30/11:00-1:30 volunteer shifts, anyone want to do face painting?, fairy who does magic tricks?, motion to approve $50 for magical fairy TRISH (APPROVED) Freezer pops, sandwich cookies, lemonade, donation jar, McDonald’s donation of orange drink pending. Car seat inspection outstanding, not likely. Heather’s doing a craft, egg carton bus, crayons? Christy will bring kid-sized folding tables. Helicopter? Years gone by, Tony
PAC year end picnic: Christy
Tina’s yard, Sunday, June 14, 4:30 PAC pizza, bring appetizer or dessert, bring camping chairs, 5217 Portland, Christy will send Evite
Summer planning meeting: Christy
August meeting at Christy’s house, probably a Thursday evening.
Take a Kid Fishing Event: Tony
June 6, Saturday, Powderhorn 10-noon, flyer hitting classes next two weeks, emphasize PARENTAL SUPERVISION and ASSISTANCE.
Other: Christy
Helen needs help editing brochure in June. Jessy will connect with Elise’s friend, Scott for design help. Catherine and Sarah Showalter will help with editing. Catherine can fix PAC page.
Discussion of strong need to have brochure available sooner. Many roadblocks.
Co-chair - Christy
Co-chair - Catherine
Secretary - Elise
Treasurer - Trish
Preschool Fair – Jessy, Vanessa?, Sarah Showalter
Gingerbread – Sarah Sluka
Membership - Heather
Speaker events
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