The next meeting is Thurs March 20 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at Wilder School.
LAC meets from 5:00 to 5:30 pm (dinner) and 5:30 to 6:45 pm (meeting).
As always, free childcare is provided for both meetings.
Attending: Christy Pettis, Sara Kleckner, Michelle Mougin, Trisha Hanson, Jessy Schrandt, Heather Cholat.
Treasurer’s Report (Christy): We purchased the climber for Burroughs. It cost $1510, and it should arrive at the school next week. Our account balance is $1972.50.
Advocacy: (Christy): Thurs March 27 is Advocacy Day at the Minnesota State Capitol. A Yahoo group will be set up (by LAC) for interested parents. A motion passed to provide funds for fliers to distribute.
A coffee with legislators will be held Thurs March 20 at 10:00 a.m., at Sovereign Grounds coffeehouse (46th and Chicago).
The PAC is sending an email to several ECFE site principals to encourage them to visit their ECFE classrooms. Christy will draft the message and cc us. Another draft message will be emailed to us, that we can edit and forward to Mpls School Board members, encouraging them to support ECFE.
Family Fiesta (Christy): Spanish PAC is not able to help us plan this event. Because we don’t have a volunteer to chair Family Fiesta, the PAC as a whole will work together to organize a simpler event, in honor of Cinco de Mayo, featuring store-bought food (i.e., no catering) and a kids’ craft project.
Speaker (Trisha): The autism play idea was quite expensive ($5000), but South High School is sponsoring this play in April and is looking for a co-sponsor for their event. Trisha is negotiating with Best Buy to see if they would help fund the event. PAC is looking to spend no more than $500.
Fun Stuff!
PAC Potluck is Sunday March 30, starting at 4:00 p.m., dinner at 5:00 p.m. Trisha will send an E-vite.
PAC Happy Hour is tentatively scheduled for April 4 at 6:30 p.m., at the Town Talk diner.
Website (Sara): The site fee has been paid in full for 10 years.
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